Equipment Used By T and L Health Management Center
Harmonizer is a life-term device
T&L Health Management Center strives to carry the up to date product available for costumers. Along with unique information technology it was designed special devices which call as Harmonizer. Harmonizer is a group of devices with a main purpose to help people constantly managing their health. These devices use for correction vital programs which employ in our body. These vital programs regulated interconnection between organs and systems and biochemistry process as well as protected us from various viruses, bacterial, hereditary, chronic and other diseases. Harmonizer is a technical product that uses knowledge of formation and structure of a matter.
The main part of all Harmonizer devices is Information Module. The Information module is a set of crystals, magnetic, and ampule with water. Healing information recorded in electronic internal- nuclear lattice of crystals. This information is non-material, can be retrieved from any point of space, and is not a subject for certification. Magnetic use as a power supply to create a suitable electro-magnetic field to transferred essential information to human body.
Set of Information Modules form a Bank of the information programs or we can call Block of Memory (BM). Devices can be made with one BM, four, 26 or 260 BM.
In one BM "bank" there is a complete composition of all programs managing vital function of organism. However their delivery to body occurs consistently. Therefore program on dissolution of stones in a gallbladder cannot simultaneously work with the program on treatment adenoma. This lack is eliminated by application of multi-blocks information banks.
Harmonizer H-1
The Harmonizer H-1 is designed to be use constantly and individually. This device has a cylindrical shape. It looks as a pendant and you can put it on chain and wear around neck. H-1 has one Block of Memory.
Description on functions Harmonizer H-1:
What is mean illnesses? We can state that illness is just an infringement of integrity work of an organism as an organic whole. It is mean that your body needs to replace this infringement. The sub-consciousness invokes the essential healing information from Information block of H-1 for repair damage in your body. This information transmitted to physical body through electro-magnetic fields of your body and device H-1. The H-1 is the technical product which using knowledge of interconnection between non-material and material matter. The Information in Information block includes wide frequency spectrum enables self-healings from various chronic, viruses, bacterial, hereditary and other diseases.
All materials using for fabricate H-1 do not have a harmful radiations and safe for people.
The information which has been recorded in crystals is non-material and cannot be a subject of certification.
Harmonizer H-2Y

The Harmonizer H-2Y is designed to be using for individual and home application. This device employs for wide spectrum of purpose and helping people to retrieve their health.
Main principle H-2Y is similar to H-1, only difference in power supply what use for an electromagnetic field. In this device we use battery AA instead a permanent magnet. H-2Y has one Block of Memory
Healing Effect
1.Treat an individual organ for pain and inflammation.
2.Take bath tab for feet to prevent or treat arthritis, osteoporosis, blood vessels and joints.
3.Use for water application: eliminate negative information which was acquired during transportation to the consumer, suppression pathogenic micro-flora, clearing negative influence chemical fertilizers, heavy metals, extraneous smells. For this purpose H-2Y connects by "crocodile" to the unpainted metal surface of a pipeline or fixture system of cold water supply.
3.1.This pure and healthy water is a guarantee of healthy life. You can drink tasty and healthy water, use this water to wash vegetables and fruit, meats and fish, and for cook food as well. The food has pure and pleasant taste. You do not need to buy bottle water any more.
3.2.Taking shower or bath, you receive not only physical cleaning, but also will remove emotional stress. From the Information Module water will derive essential self-healing information and transmit to your organism. The first 2 months taken show with device connected to water supply is limited to 15-25 minutes.
3.3.For accelerate therapeutically effect of destruction stones in kidney and gold bladder systems we recommended more often to drink this heath water by small portions.
4.Use for improve products and food. Put in containers or wrap in foil samples of creams, ointments, medicinal means, food, vitamins and so on and connect to H-2Y. By the law of "similarity" you will have these healthy products on any distance from device.
5.Use this H-2Y for skin therapy and cosmetic application.
Harmonizer H-6

Harmonizer H-6 similar to H-1 and H-2Y, but has 26 Blocks of Memory and use for large and mass application.
Healing Effect
1.For self-healing pyramids system.
2.Relaxation room. The device of a tubular design on perimeter of a room.
3.Individual tubular design for beds. This is opportunity for self-restoration organism during sleep.
4.Swimming pools and small reservoirs.
5.Use this device during a hemodialysis. Creates conditions on self-regeneration tissue of a kidney.
6.Using information technology on stock-raising farms for a huge economic benefit plus pure from antibiotics meat product.
7.Information technology also can be very useful in maternity hospital to help a premature baby. For this purpose typical physic -therapeutically equipment for artificial breath, kidney, and heart will connected to information bank.
8.And many other useful things; includes hospitals, health centers, children's houses, boarding and public schools, military, sanatoriums and nursing homes...
All materials using for fabricate Harmonizer do not have a harmful radiations and safe for people.
Detail information and principle diagram of Harmoniser read in brochure: Product Information
This equipment has successfully been use in the Healing Center of Houston and Philadelphia, USA; fabricated by Dr. Kuzmenok-Margolin.
Dr. Kuzmenok-Margolin, M.D., Ph.D. has been known in different countries as an outstanding immunologist and neuroscientist. He has 25 years’ experience in successful accomplishment of NIH (National Institute of Health) grants and methods great of Immunology, Microbiology and Stem Cell Research. He conducted Stem Cell Research for 12 years. Technological features of devices "Information harmonizers ", as well as simple methods of their use, can effectively be used in the home. The restrictions of use are minimal: patients with pacemakers cannot use the devices. There are no side effects of the method!!! Devices do not have equivalents at this time.